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Member Highlight

Bob Albrecht

Bob Albrecht Real Estate, LLC

Bob Albrecht, NEBA board member, residential real estate broker, and owner of Bob Albrecht Real Estate, LLC has adopted a tagline apropos of his 43 year career: “Lifelong Realtor.” The catchy slogan, which now appears on Bob’s yard signs and in other advertising, is anything but an overstatement in its depiction of the path he started down right out of school in 1977.


“To have served full time for over four decades in my industry is nearly unheard of,” said Bob. “I am very fortunate. Not only have I always thoroughly enjoyed my work, but after all this time I possess unusual depth of knowledge regarding most every nuance associated with the process of buying and selling a home. Knowledge that comes only with having closed well over 1,000 sales – at all price points and throughout all market conditions.” 


Bob describes himself as a generalist in terms of the geographic territory he covers. “I was raised in Highland Park and have lived throughout South Minneapolis since 1981, so over the years I have gained insights about many communities all around town. I was among the very first Realtors to represent clients on both sides of the Mississippi! I love city neighborhoods most, but I work in suburban areas as well. This keeps me on top of the broader market, I feel. My clients appreciate that I’m capable of introducing them to many Twin Cities communities.”


After having served as a sales associate, sales manager, and partner with a few of the area’s larger firms, Bob decided it was time to strike out on his own in 2009 as a means to deliver a far more personalized approach to his clients. “Some of my colleagues thought I was out of my mind because the market was somewhat distressed that year. But I did not give it a thought. I merely called up skills I had honed back in the early 1980’s when mortgage rates were over 15% and agents had to be truly creative to survive.”


Five years ago, Bob moved from the Kingfield neighborhood and purchased a house on Shoreview Avenue in Keeywaydin. “In Kingfield I was part of a group that assembled a wonderful association of home-based professionals in the neighborhood. Once I arrived in Nokomis East and learned about NEBA – an existing association that catered mostly to brick-and-mortar businesses – I was excited to put together a home-based group within NEBA that could meet periodically to share needs, challenges, and resources unique to those who work from home, as I do. We call ourselves the Home-Based Professionals of NEBA. We kicked off in January 2018 and are building nice momentum. We have a great core group of participants from broad professional backgrounds who are pleased to be together. I would encourage anyone who works from home – for themselves or for others – to get acquainted with us.”


When asked why his clients seem to choose to work with him, Bob responded, “When consumers interview me along with other realtors, in the majority of instances, my level of experience stands alone and speaks for itself. I feel consumers are entitled to seasoned expertise in transactions involving their single more valuable asset. Clients are quick to understand that I have my head around the big picture in real estate, and that I am utilizing all the networks and technologies that move today’s market. I also feel, now more than ever, that many prefer to work with someone who owns his own agency and is locally based. Real estate is a very local business, and I have always had my finger on the pulse. Additionally, I handle all my transactions personally from beginning to end.” Bob is careful to acknowledge he does not have any vested interest in mortgage companies or title insurance agencies. “I refer my clients to service providers in these fields who are unaffiliated with my brokerage, with whom I have worked before, and who I know will take excellent care of their needs and not overcharge them. I believe that is representation with the client’s best interests at heart.”


Bob intends to work for years to come and would very much enjoy the opportunity to answer your questions about real estate. Plus he’d love to fill your ear with the benefits of membership in NEBA! Especially at this exciting time in the history of our community.



While the Nokomis East neighborhood of South Minneapolis is made up of four primary communities (Keewaydin, Minnehaha, Morris Park and Wenonah), we encourage other Nokomis area businesses (outside of the quadrant) to participate in NEBA.

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